How to Meet Us?
Stone Depot is located in Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia. To get in touch with us, it simply needs to choose your comfortable accommodation by train, driven a car, or using airplanes to arrive at Cirebon.

Get Flight
Taking away your private flight accommodation from International Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, it just takes 20 km to get in our factory and 50 km to get in our office since it arrived at Majalengka International Airport.

Get Driven a Car
It takes about 3 hours from Jakarta airport to our head office in Cirebon via the toll road. We can arrange to pick you up based on the appointment first.

Get Train
You can get to Cirebon by train because it’s the most convenient accommodation that we recommend using. You can get comfortable and good services by using the executive class on your train.